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Updated: Jul 20, 2021

This week I was featured as the Alumni of the Week! GSW was a place where I met my best friend, a place where I learned of so much more than education. I have people that I consider family there...I have a place that I am proud that I attended. I grew there! I was stretched and developed at this school not only because of the education but because of the many opportunities that I had access to by becoming involved! The college era of one's life is so important because it can make you or break you. Its where you find out what you want to do and who you want to become. Its a time when you are ultimately responsible for your actions, your growth and your failures. You are becoming the beginning of the "you" that will shape the rest of your adult life! Although I am from Americus, attending GSW was one of the best experiences I had in life! I will remember the laughs, the tears, the love and the heartbreaks, the many accomplishments, the life long friendships and the proud feeling I get everytime I pass that place and see the growth!! I am always and forever #partofthestorm! 

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